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Photo Credit: Backbone Adventures

Estes Park Off Road ATV

Get off paved roads to the north, south, east, and west of Estes Park & RMNP on Forest Service roads and single track in surrounding National Forests, .

Roosevelt & Arapaho National Forest Service roads are the best bet for your 4 wheeler or ATV.  They provide access to miles of trails to explore.

Roosevelt National Forest is over 800,000 acres in size.  Originally created in 1897,  it is divided into 2 ranger districts – Canyon Lakes and  Boulder Ranger Districts.
Just outside of Drake, in the Roosevelt National Forest, is one of m
any fun areas where dirt bikers can ride – Storm Mountain. It is an easy to moderate ride, although the conditions of the ride change


 based on the weather. When the roads get wet, they become very slippery and harder to navigate. If it’s been dry for a while, it’s easier to manage.
When you get to the top you have a magnificent view of the entire foothills area. It’s probably one of the best places to see fireworks on the 4th of July.  You see all the fireworks displays as they happen along the Front Range. For specific trail information and directions, check out the Stay the Trail website. Storm Mountain trail is open from mid-June to the end of November.

ATV Noise in Rocky Mountain National Park

It’s also helpful to be aware of Rocky Mountain National Park’s position on the noise produced by ATVs:

“Park soundscapes are part of a web of natural and cultural resources protected by the National Park Service (NPS). The acoustic environment is a resource that NPS protects, just like air or water. Parks are actively working to minimize noise pollution from many sources, both internal and external. Noise can adversely impact wildlife by reducing the area over which they can communicate and listen for potential prey or predators. Natural sounds are also important to park visitors, 90 percent of whom say enjoying the sounds of nature is one of the top reasons they visit parks.”

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