Updates: Construction complete on the Loop project, Road Closures in RMNP, and more!
Exciting updates from Estes Park:
Estes Park traffic is running so smoothly now that the Loop construction is complete! Find out about seasonal road closures in Rocky Mountain National Park, and one of the hottest sales in town!
The Loop Construction is complete
We are so grateful to announce that the Loop construction in and around Estes Park is now complete, and ahead of schedule! The new traffic pattern in Estes Park is designed to improve flow and reduce congestion, making navigation easier.
These improvements offer a smooth journey through town and provide easier access to Rocky Mountain National Park. It will reduce travel time to get into the park, and help with the pedestrian and bicycle traffic throughout town with wider sidewalks, trails, and bike lanes. Looking ahead to next summer, we expect even better traffic flow to accommodate visitors during our peak season.
Convenient downtown parking is available
The town of Estes Park now has free parking in all public parking areas until Memorial Day 2025.
Grab a free parking spot at the Riverwalk Parking Garage, located at 691 N. St. Vrain Ave. The Riverwalk Parking Garage offers 415 parking spots, accessible spaces, electric vehicle charging stations, and is located within walking distance of downtown. You can find a comprehensive guide to parking in Estes Park here.
Old Fall River Road is closed to vehicles
Inside Rocky Mountain National Park, Old Fall River Road has closed to vehicles for the season. From Saturday, October 19th – Saturday, November 30th the road will be open to walkers, bicycles, and leashed pets. Bicycles and leashed pets are only allowed on the road, not on side trails.
Beginning on Sunday, December 1st, the road will revert to trail status and bicycles and leashed pets will not be allowed on the road.
Wondering about the status of Trail Ridge Road?
Trail Ridge Road is currently still open (as of Oct 16th, 2o24). Because weather conditions change rapidly at higher elevations, visitors are encouraged to call the park’s Trail Ridge Road recorded status phone line at (970) 586-1222. Park staff updates the recording if the road status changes.